Stereoscopic 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Marketing and Advertising – 3DTV Tech

02nd August 2010

It seems that barely a week goes by nowadays without another stereoscopic 3D film hitting the silver screen.  Ever since the success of Avatar (2009) the resurgence of 3D has continued at a staggering rate with significant investment by production companies and the cinema industry in new generation 3D technology.  On the announcement of better than expected profits last week Stephen Wiener, CEO of Cineworld, told The Times

“3D is now as important to films as sound was for silent picture”

With the number of 3D movies set for release next year to increase to 49, 13 more than this year, it’s only natural that consumer electronics manufacturers and broadcasters are keen to emulate this success in the cinema within the home.  Toshiba has this week sparked speculation that they may release their first ‘glassesless’ 3DTV with rumours that they have 3 models that could go into production before the end of the year. Aspokesperson said: “we have yet to decide upon when to commercialize such a product, concrete specifications, or any other details”.

At IBC I recall seeing a very rudimentary 3DTV solution back in 2008, this was practically the only 3D technology on display. When next month’s show takes place at The RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam, you can be certain that 3DTV will be enjoying a much more prominent role amongst the exhibitors.

Some pundits speculate that 3DTV will not see wider, mainstream success before technology is able to deliver this ‘glasses free’ experience.  With the launch of Europe’s first 3D TV Channel, Sky3D planned for launch on October 1st, you can be certain that some brands and agencies will not be prepared to wait to find out.  Sky 3D will offer viewers a line-up of sport, movies, entertainment and the arts. It is compatible with all of the 3D display equipment being introduced by Sony, Canon, Samsung, LG and Panasonic, and works with both ‘active’ and ‘passive’ 3D formats.

The launch of the channel represents the first real chance for advertisers to target UK viewers with 3D advertising content in their homes.  The success or failure of ‘3D in the home’ could well be determined by the willingness of brands to invest in more expensive 3D production processes.  It seems clear that the first advertisers to be early adopters of 3D as an advertising medium will receive additional exposure due to perceived novelty factor.  A question remains as to whether once this initial hype has died down, advertisers will be able to find creative ways to embrace and benefit from stereoscopic 3D advertising.

A Panasonic study in July suggested that as many as 25% of US consumers plan to buy a 3DTV within the next four years. If these figures are to be believed then it’s likely that the majority of these purchases will take place towards the end of that timeline when the cost of both producing and viewing 3DTV content has declined.

Due to the high cost of the equipment required to receive 3DTV broadcasts in the home it would seem the immediate opportunity for brands to utilise 3D would exist in controlled environments, outside of the home; live events, retail, experiential, design and industry appear to be the areas where we can expect to see an explosion of 3D content in the coming months and years.

Only time will tell what innovative uses marketeers will find for this technology over the coming years but it would seem that, provided the content produced remains innovative and imaginative, this time around 3D is with us to stay.

If we can help with any of your stereoscopic 3D production requirements feel free to get in touch


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